I work for the city in which I live. Waste Water, sanitation, water systems, etc...it's a small city of about 1,000 but a large rural area we run sanitation service to. I personally drove the trash truck for a couple of years till I moved up to Waste Water Operator and see a lot of possibilities for the BSFL. Could possibly get a couple of the food establishments to cooperate, maybe even set up on site bins but we'll have to see how it goes.

Too bad BSF is not a good candidate for sewage sludge as they prefer green wastes but there is plenty of green wastes to be had with a little ingenuity

Maybe a "trade bait for garbage" type of campaign! I wonder just how many people, if they knew there was a place to take recycle food scraps in exchange for bait...

Or just let the word out of a community food scrap bin to save on household garbage being set out for sanitation...

Lots of possibilities!

Last edited by CharlieLittle; 04/13/08 01:10 PM.