CharlieLittle, I've thought about restaurants as a source of food scraps but it would probably be hard to get them to sort it properly. Normally you could expect to find plastic, cardboard, broken glass, bones, etc. in restaurant garbage. You may find that vegetarian and health food restaurants will be more likely to sort and save vegetable waste for you. If they sell large amounts of fresh carrot juice they'll generate a good quantity of great BSF food in the form of pulp.

jhap, that title would be appropriate based on my views about society, but it's a little to grandiose for me I think. \:\) Any other ideas?

rmedgar, I've also been trying unsuccessfully to start a colony for a few weeks and I think it's due to the time of year. I've got a garbage can that's full and I'm going to set it aside for a while and watch for BSF activity. In the warmer months I could always see some around a can that had gotten a little smelly. When I see them around the garbage can I'll put my starter scraps next to it. I think using something that's fairly stinky will help attract BSF sooner, if you have the space for that. The weather in my area is predicted to go down to almost freezing in a few days. Maybe the BSF "know" that and are waiting for warmer times.