D.I.E.D., I have examined the guts of more than one GS. They eat fish, if they can. They grow faster than bluegill the same age, they are more aggressive. I have watched them outcompete bluegill for space, nesting areas and food. In my opinion, GS stocked only with BG, advantage GS.
The great equalizer is any fish with a mouth larger than a GS. However, I think by the third or fourth year, the bluegill will gain an edge simply because they spawn so often. There are times of the year when bluegill can have babies and those youngsters grow so fast the GS won't cull enough. At that point, the advantage is almost equal.
Then, I think the bluegill will outlast and outlive the green sunfish and you will begin to see it because all your GS will be large and old-looking.
Now, with all those words of psuedo-wisdom, I have no idea what will actually happen.
You are one of the only fanaticaly GSer's I know of.

By the way, do you know any private fisheries managers in Northern California with an electrofishing boat as part of their service?

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...