Originally Posted By: Dwight
Affliction is right! I thought I had a solution to the missing stuff, buy two over everything that you have trouble keeping track off. It was a failure. Now I have 7 side cutters after I clean the shop!

It's gotten real bad in my shop ever since the Chinese starting making reasonable tools. My good tools, many of which I've had for over 40 years, are fairly well organized in a tool bag that is always in the barn when I need it at the house, or in the truck which I just lent the truck to my son, or . . .

So, I've bought a lot of other cheap tools, that are actually pretty good. For instance, the 6-,8-,10-, and 12-inch set of adjustable end wrenches from Harbor Freight for about $7.00 is real hard to beat. I seem to buy about $50 worth of "junque" from Harbor freight two or three times a year. I just spent another $40 at Harbor Freight, and got a big heavy box that anybody would be real happy to get for Father's day or Christmas. I stop by each Cummins Tool Sale when they come to town. I stop by each Cummins Tool Sale when they come to town -- oooh, their pellet rifle and pistol are absolutely awesome.

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