Jeff and Ahvatsa...
Yep, betcha! I gotta admit, tho, that the "King of Overkill" side of me is tearing me up while I mind-engineer the structure. I keep going back to the actual support structure at the concrete piers. I definitely see poured concrete piers, drilled into the bottom (using a concrete truck, thank you Ahvatsa...your arms must look like Popeye's). My self-made dilemna comes in at the transfer of the concrete pier support to the 6 x 6 treated verts. Unless I am wrong, it appears that every structure I have seen in this forum, that uses a concrete pier, sets the treated timber inside the poured pier, permanently embedded. King Overkill sits on my right hand shoulder and keeps reminding me that if a timber ever had to be replaced, it would be wise to spend the xtra bux and use SS post bases on top of the conc pier and attach the timber there. King Overkill peers really deep into his crystal ball and see stuff like wracking ice floes that tear up the posts over time, premature failure due to inadequate green-treating, normal shelf-life exposure decay that the next generation may have to deal know, stuff like that. Then General Chill-pill kicks in from the left shoulder and reminds me that "I'm doin' it're makin' too big a deal, dude". Sink 'em in concrete, save the $ for the SS, and enjoy life without puttin' out for a 5 million dollar umbrella policy that you're not gonna use.