Very interesting Bruce. I look forward to your progress. Can't wait to see the final product. Wish I was there to help just for fun.

Did I tell you before I dug my trout pond I hired a consultant who runs a trout farm in Wisconsin? He told me to build three small ponds 25 foot diameter that could be fed in a series or individually. I only built one and was slated to build the other two later. I didn't take his adivise after feeding well water into the one. Immediately after inflow the water into that pond appeared to be digusting weak coffee. Turns out that was due to iron that had been freshly precipitated as it came out of the well. I could have had problems with the trout in that pond at 2.42 ppms especially with smaller fingerling trout as it would have irritated their gills.

I ended up building one bigger pond at 88 by 59 feet. Building a bigger pond for the trout and only one was the best option as their was enough volume to allow the iron to settle as it came in and it was in a weaker solution due to more volume. The iron in the trout pond is a green color as iron goes from brown, to green in a weaker solution compared to the 25 foot pond I built which was more brown due to it being more concentrated.

Fortunately you don't have any issues with iron where you are at.

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 03/29/08 06:33 PM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.