as i mentioned over on another post, jeff's dad has suddenly taken a turn for the worse. it easiest probably to let you see jeff's correspondence to me as follows:

"Hi Dave,

My father had a massive heart attack on Tuesday. He was rushed via ambulance to a local hospital.

Unfortunately the prognosis in not great. His heart is very weak, one of the major blood vessels that supplies
the brain is almost 80% blocked, and his kidneys are only functioning at about 12% of normal. Dialysis is not
an option because the increased blood pressure caused by this procedure could cause a heart attach or stroke.

I though about posting on Pond Boss related to this but every time I try to write the words I just can't finish. If you want to mention it there that is fine.

I'm trying to hold the family together and work seven days a week. That sounds so damn selfish of me. I'm just really stressed now.

As I was writing this I just got a phone call from my Mom. Dad had another attack this morning. I'm going to the hospital now.

I'll update you later,


So from me personally, I am really sorry for you Jeff… hug man….. my dad is 88 and still healthy, and I dread the day you now are facing...stay strong my friend, i hope to get pondboss prayers from across the country for you and yer family.


GSF are people too!