The Peacocks got to my pond through the series of finder canals that run north to south and are just east of my pond. Those finger canals are linked to the South Florida Water Managment district. On a couple of occassions I have seen Mullet jumping. I hope the tarpon and snook follow them in .

I did some looking around for someone with a shock boat in my area and I came up empty handed. I live near Miami, Fl. If anyone knows of someone in my area, I would greatly appreciate it. BTW, how much would it cost to have a shock boat come out and gather the information.

One other thing to mention about my pond is that there's a presence of algae along the shoreline. It looks like a lime green color. I started to notice it about 4-5 months ago and it's been growing ever since. Is this a good or bad thing?

Thanks again for the help

Last edited by PeterF; 03/12/08 02:47 PM.