Thanks for the reply-Bob. I am certain that the bream have spawned several times, based on the various sizes that I originally trapped and what I am catching and trapping now. The original plan was to use two smaller ponds as nursery ponds to supply the 3rd pond that is larger and has more structure. Tree stumps, tops, tire reefs,shallow and deeper water,etc.
Could you be more specific on--add bass in the Fall--Sept.,Oct.,Nov., or water temperature.....I was hoping they could eat up some of the gazillion talapia that have spawned before they die off.....

With what I have researched I think that the F-1 bass would be best for my area. Would you agree?

If I can get 8-10 inch fish, they would spawn in the spring. At what size should I start to cull the new spawned bass. Leaving some to spawn and grow--I am thinking about 12 inches?????

Any other suggestions ??? Thanks