Alright; time for another kick in the thread...
The generator with electric start has been scored and sitting in the garage. With some helpful PM guidance from Tom G, I played my gennie cards out on E-bay and purchased a Coleman with a Subaru Robin gasoline engine.
At this point, I am sending out a call to one of our newer members, Lee Smith. Lee has shot thru the ranks of PB expertise and made a meteoric ascension to become President of the PB R/C toy Chapter. I would like his thoughts on this choke thing.
As noted on above posts, I would still like to install this generator in a small powerhouse and be able to start it remotely. It has a manual choke lever; it will be the only remotely controlled device issue that I have not yet solved. I still see an opportunity to use a DC servo of some sort.
A close-up of the choke lever in the open/run position.

A shot of the surrounding hardware.

The throw of the choke is 2.750" to the right (in an arc) to be fully closed for the starting position. I tried cold starting the engine without the choke; no go. It cranks right over when the choke is fully closed. Then, I immediately shifted it all the way back to the left to the run position to see if I could work with a full on/full off control (no intermediate positioning). As soon as I pushed it all the way back to the left to the run position, the engine ran fast/slow/fast as it adjusted the carb. Not real good. My point: I need the intermediate adjustment of the choke for my best performance. This means an adjustable remote control.
OK Lee...any ideas? Anybody else?