GW - Please keep us informed about the progress of your RES-FHM experiment. Inquiring minds want to know.

An initial search for info indicated that WM tend to eat more fish than RES.

RES fry are 4.8-5.1 mm long and at least some mosquito larvae are 3-4mm long. Both are similar sized thus potential foods for adult FHM. Anyone know the mouth gape of a 3"-4" FHM?

COMMENT. As I think about the RES and WM, I question the ability of the RES to effecively feed on small fish even notably slow swimmers as the FHM. RES like BG are morphologicaly similar body shape and in shape of pectoral fins. Studies (Bluegills, Biolgy and Behavior by Spotte) have reported BG and RES are masters of maneuverability, partly due to the shape and position of the enhanced pectoral fins. Compared to trout or bass, these fish are better suited for excellent stability, rapid short axis turning, braking, and maneuvering in tight places which makes them very efficient at feeding on organisms located on or crawling on objects and not well adapted at short bursts of speed for chasing fleeing prey such as small fish. Thus, I question the ability of the RES to effectively feed on small (3/4"-1.2") FHM minnows. However, compared to the BG-RES, the WM has a more streamlined body, somewhat smaller (shorter) pectoral fins and a larger mouth which would allow for better suction-ram feeding. Thus, I think the WM would be slightly better adapted than the RES to catch small swimming minnows. This is confirmed in the literature where fish are often noted to be a larger portion of the diet for WM compared to RES.

Last edited by Bill Cody; 03/08/08 09:09 PM.

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