Another chapter.

Mr. A , a friend , had a 5 acre BG/LMB pond in the typical LMB crowded state. LMB were at about 80 % RW with the deficiency in the 10-12 in size (10-12in at 70 % RW). He decided to add some BG both 2in and 3-5in at a cost of $1000. He started a minor supp feeding program for the BG. Things did well for a year with RW rising to 80% for the 10-12s and about 85% for the general population. The second year was flat - no change. Year 3 brought a reduction in RW. Head scratching time for Mr. A. What the heck happened.

In his case the temporary increased forage capacity did not result in better/bigger/healthier LMB over time only more 10-12in LMB at 70%. The better conditioned LMB in year 1 and 2 produced bumper crops of new yoy LMB which increased the problem at a new higher forage demand level. You don't always get better but sometimes only more. LMB ,like all fish, respond to natural selection in the larger view both individually and as a population by selecting for survival. They are hard wired to seek safety (fight or flight) , food and reproduction in no particular order depending on time of year (hormones). When they are not starving (65-70% RW) the genetic instructions for survival of the species as a whole take over with a large reproductive response. They will attempt to fill the available space whether it’s a food surplus or room surplus in an empty or low population pond.

The pond fish population pie is like a pizza -- whether its a 10 in low volume pie or a 18in carrying capacity + pie , its still a pie. If you want it to be different/better you have to change the recipe to meet your taste (goals).