This one probably deserves a separate thread if anyone is interested. Doug answered my questions and I plan to order one of the reels. Although I've fished with open face reels for many years, it seems the older I get the more loops I throw with them, and the less tolerant I am of picking out birdsnests. (I also think loops probably give a left handed person like me more problems than a right handed one.) Doug has developed this reel with a wavey, (like ocean waves), front lip to the spool, rather than the smooth spool lip all of the other ones have. If it works as well as he says it does, and it does come with a guarantee, it should be great. Doug thinks he will be at the conference in Arlington in July, and either way I'll be glad to discuss it with anyone who is interested. By then I will probably either love it or hate it.

I am absolutely convinced that if you follow the BASS pro circuit and watch the pros like Roland, Bill, Jimmy, and Hank on TV then a trip to the Classic is a must. It would be much like going to the World Series, or any other professional athletic event and get to meet one-on-one with the "stars".


Last edited by Bing; 02/22/08 03:44 PM. Reason: Same as usual, Spelling

"I love living. I have some problems with my life, but living is the best thing they've come up with so far." � Neil Simon,