jeffhasapond, the fish are all for fun, one of the reasons for the peacock is that it goes looking for food as opposed to lying in wait, and it gets big.
Brettski, no the guy in the middle has promised the property to his 11 year old daughter, although that was the original plan.
ewest, exactly right, he was trying to cross and at the lowest spot on the property, we had 8" of rain 4 days ago and 2" the next day, so it was pretty wet, all that and more in the dry season.
heybud, thanks, they completed the bank around 3/4 of the pond yesterday so they should get to the serious digging today and I will be standing by with the camera.

1/4 & 3/4 acre ponds. A thousand miles from no where and there is no place I want to be...
Dwight Yoakam