Yes, thanks for asking. We finished the pond just ahead of the rains. In fact, we really needed about two more days because much dirt didn't get moved away, and it's still piled up on the west side of the pond. It looks kind of ugly, but I'll take care of it when all dries out this spring/summer. We reached fullness on 1/1/08, and I have about 30 gpm coming in via creek and leaving by drain pipe. The pond is still muddy (6" vis), but should be ok eventually. Got a little grass coming up, but still a lot of exposed dirt and projects to do. Sunil, you'll be proud - I added some FHs and about 100 4" HBG. The little creek area behind the levee is going to be a good place to grow FHs. I put 4#s back there and blocked it off with a net. That's all for now, I'll add some pictures soon.

Just do it...