You guys are amazing. I'm crying now because no one is around, gotta be strong in front of Dad. I have to show him I will be there for mama and Sis and family.

I wanted to check email before heading back down and saw this. Your prayers have helped me and my Dad. He told me yesterday that he is ready to go. He never went to church much but told me he was saved. Yesterday there was a peace about him I have never seen before. He said only God knows now but he will see him soon. My Mom cried for the first time, she is a tough woman. I was in the room when my Dad told his oldest grandson (about to turn eleven) that he will not be here for him but that the man behind is who he needs to turn to. His Dad does little for him and I was honored to take on that roll. He also said "just remember that I will always be with and to remember me everytime you go fishin'". My Dad made him promise to never smoke and believe me I will remnid him of that if I ever see it happening. His strength was amazing and should have known that, but believe the prayers have helped give him even more stength. He was supposed to go home but things got worse so he is in line for hospice care where my Mama can also spent the night. Thanks again you will never know how much each one of you have helped.

Greg Grimes