My Dad was diganosied right when Wyatt was born (19 months ago) with lung cancer. He has had a few bumps but done quite well. Since this summer he has had problems with his shoulder and we had to cancel his dream redfish trip. However things have gotten worse he has lost fight with cancer they are now just helping with the pain. He went to the hospital yesterday for blood transfusion due to hard time breathing and spitting up blood. I hope he can leave hospital today with oxygen. It does not seem to be a very longtime left in this world.

I only tell you this b/c I talk more with the PB family than most anyone else. I appreciate your prayers in the past and seek them again. I'm a believer in the power of prayer, that it helps in many ways. Too bad to lose such a outstanding man and fisherman at 59. Thanks so much and I may not get a chance to post for awhile. thanks

Last edited by Greg Grimes; 02/06/08 08:01 AM.

Greg Grimes