If the HSBs are to be harvested at the fish farm with a seine...don't take them this time of year. They will probably get a fungal infection and die. Wait till water temps are mid60-mid70s. The only way we harvest HSBs in cool water is with shocker boat or hook/line, then we use clove oil and salt every time we handle them.

Assuming you are going to haul them, have the hatchery sedate them with clove oil for the ride home. Also use two double-handfuls of stock salt for every 100 gallons of water in the hauling tanks. If sedated, you can get by with 100 gallons of water for 100 lbs of fish, but this is max. If not sedated, stick with Bruce's recommendation, minimum 200 gallons of water. Good aeration is a must.

I like Bruce's recommendations, right on.

It's ALL about the fish!