Originally Posted By: DAN PATERSON
Hey Cecil. We did something very similar in '95 when the pond was down from adding a 1.25 acre addition on one end. We used salvage 1 1/2 inch water pipe with a 18 inch disc blade welded on the bottom so we didn't drive the posts into the bottom. Cross braces were then welded side to side and front to back and 2 long runners were welded from shore to the cantilevered end. Total length is 57 feet and I think they are 4 feet wide.

There 2 identical docks, one at each end, on the 5.25 acre main part of the pond. After 13 years it has not moved 1/4 inch from any ice movement but the deck boards are getting weathered. May replace them this year with composit or then again maybe not.

The following Spring ('96) the water level was back up to the shore end of the docks.

I considered slowly converting over to the composite material available at Menards. When I found out they had it I was elated but it didn't last. Over $20.00 per 10 foot strip! Man I don't know. I suppose the indefinite lifespan over time would make up for the initial cost but that's stuff's not cheap! Each 8 foot length of my pier takes 9 of them if I remember right. That's expensive although I'm sure if I got th longer strips the price would come down per unit somewhat.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.