OK George, I agree with you this winter time surfing Pond Boss has been a little slow. I was at the pond last weekend in West Texas, we built a duck blind frame out of 1 1/2 inch PVC pipe and painted it OD green. We finished about 4:30 that afternoon and decided to go fishing until dark. It was a beautiful sunny day with no wind and the air temp was about 50 degrees. The bass in my pond were stocked in October of 2006 as fingerlings. To be honest I was not that optimistic about our chances. Boy was I surprised when my fishing buddy caught two bass on his first two cast into a brush pile. Both fish were females and weighed about 1 1/2 lbs. with very large extended stomachs. We ended up catching 10 bass in about an hour. The males were larger than the females and were pushing 2 pounds. I was very surprised with our catch but extremely please with the condition of the fish. We caught all of the fish on a 4 inch watermelon colored craw worm with a light 1/8 ounce weight for a slow fall. Most fish were in about 3-5 foot of water right on the edge of a creek that drops off to about 10 foot. What a blast, I needed that because I have had a bad case of cabin fever. I can't wait for this spring so I can use some of the pellet flies you taught James and I how to tie. I have 3 feeders for the bream and they have done well. Last year when I first started the feeders in the spring was when I caught some of the largest bluegill, I guess the bigger ones may show up first. Good luck with your fishing, it want be long now!