i came across some really fantastic pics of "panfish" as they call them on my OTHER forum and thought i would share a couple here. CA waters can raise some amazing fish....i'll let you guys argue on the ID's......we can compare notes later.

JHAP, this entire sequence of pics (except the last one) came from a fella lives in San Diego and fishes the following lakes: El Capitan, San Vicente, Lake Jennings, Lake Murray and Lake Hodges....take notice before you move up here for good.....me thinks yer missin some good fishin.....

the pics speak for themselves.....

san vicente 3.5 pounder!!!!!!!!!!!

this last shot from a lake near me.....the guy wuz fishin for the cutbow trout that i've caught and shown here before...he landed this trolling \:o

enjoy and happy fishin in 08....

GSF are people too!