Sunil, I took the photo myself while bobbing and weaving on my walker. It took 6 tries to get one that wasn’t blurred. Gail knows me well enough to know where I was going with the Frankenfoot photo. That's why whenever I have one of my cameras in hand she makes sure she has plenty of clothes on. Just kidding!

You should see my Friends and Family Rump Shots Album.This is an album of snapshots taken at various events of people picking up stuff from the floor. Aunt Berdie has the widest yardarm in the family, about the width of a 46" HD TV. One time we had a birthday party at the Shark Tank for her. I brought the FFRSA along for critiquing by friends and family. The Album was a hit, the party was great fun, and Aunt Berdie thanked me for photographing her rump after she had just lost 50 pounds rather than before. \:D

Life is Good on Bremer Pond

Bremer Pond Weather