Originally Posted By: Bob Lusk
Dudes....we may be near the next finish line. Good 'ol JP told me we might lose a few new posts for a couple of days but within 48 hours the site might be fixed. Holy moly....what a messy few weeks...or was it months? Or, years?
Thanks for hangin' in there with a good sense of humor.

Yea!!!! Three cheers for JP!!!! Also thank you Bob for giving is this wonderful resource.

 Originally Posted By: Bob Lusk
We might actually be able to get serious about the unserious business of pond meistering before long.

Never, I refuse to be serious, it's not in my nature, you can't make me.

 Originally Posted By: Bob Lusk
We do have some major announcements to make, once this thing is fixed. As Paul Harvey says, "Stand by for news!"

I knew it, you've been cloned. I've been saying that for a while now but no one will listen. One minute you're in California, the next in Mexico, now you're consulting on a pond then you're writing a magazine. Do you think we are so stupid as to believe there is only one of you. So now you're going to admit it. They cloned a sheep why not a Lusk. I knew I was right all along.

Finally now all of the forums members will find out that I'm not mental, they will bow before my infinite power and wisdom.

Monuments will be built to honor me.

Songs will be sung in praise of my foresight.

Or not, it's hard to tell, these forum members are kinda fickle.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)