I'm looking for any thoughts and experiance on good plants to add to my pond. I need everything, submerged, emergant, marginal, and surrounding grasses. I have little topsoil and no silt to work with. To date I have only had 1 plant emerge, an Arrow Alum.

I want to be able to bank fish but controllable dense stands would be ok. Im looking for shorter plant varieties. All of the info seems to be on what to keep out of the ponds. Lastly, where to buy any plants would be a huge help too. I included an airial veiw of the pond that shows the dead areas. Full pool will be about 4 acres and the pic shows it at about 1/2 full after some dam work.

Thanks for all the help you guys have given me to correct the mistakes I've made with your incredible experiance. Hope I can get some answers again!

