Thanks for putting out your observations. You've got an interesting mix of fish.

Can you post your pond size again?

The smallies might be the slowest growing fish in that whole mix.
So for them to be predators, and to consider what they are capable of controlling as far as prey fish, you almost have to have an upper size limit for the prey fish. If the smallies are 10" by now, I don't think they can eat a 4" bluegill or tilapia.

So once all prey fish are over 4", they are safe.

Out of all the "prey" fish, the tilapia might be the most prolific, right? It might not be a bad idea to hold off on them until you have a different dynamic, but then again, I'm just guessing.

Any pics of the smallies?

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."