We had success this year attracting Eastern Bluebirds. It wasn't much of a chore; just the correct housing in the correct location. Go to this page of the Wetland Development for Critters thread . The Peterson design houses we built are about 1/2 way down the page; installation near the bottom of the page.
The houses cannot be any closer than about 300 feet apart. They need to be installed in an open area that has access to tree cover within, oh say maybe 100 - 200 feet or so. They like to be able to escape the house to tree cover, yet keep watch on the crib.
Strangely, as I think I noted within the thread, we also got Purple Martins nesting within a couple of these Bluebird houses. In fact, within a couple hours of installation, the PM's were already checking out the inside of the new digs.(edit note; what we thought were PM's may very well be Tree Swallows based on a John James Audo-Schroeder tune-up). Ultimately, tho, I think we got 2 of the 6 houses nested with Bluebirds.
edit: a decent Bluebird website

Last edited by Brettski; 11/27/07 09:21 PM.