GW as Theo noted there are ways to manage through the situation. One way is to keep adding adult BG and some adult LMB. Adding adult LMB now is an option but not an easy one to gauge. Any option has its risk especially where the current status of the population of GSF is unknown. The 2 big unknowns in adding adult LMB now are the effective forage available for the LMB over the next 2-3 years and their ability to successfully reproduce (meaning to establish offspring to adulthood) in the presence of a GSF swarm (this would apply to a BG swarm as well).

The ability of a species to dominate a system is not widely written about but is a proven fact. BG and GSF can cause LMB to abandon all attempts to reproduce. GShad have been noted to suppress all other fish activity in a system including feeding and reproduction. LMB can stunt and wipe out all other species. There are other examples also. Such is not a typical event in large water bodies (so not much emphasis is found in the written materials) but IMO becomes a higher risk the smaller the water body.

Last edited by ewest; 11/12/07 04:21 PM.