I stand corrected on all counts. Been thirty years since I lived up there, and even more time since my Oklahoma history class. But the 1803 treaty, as far as the river went, was tied back by previous agreements between France and Spain. In the 1803 treaty the U.S. was also granted disputed rights to Texas, but relinquished the rights to Spain as part of the purchase of Florida.

Know what Gov. used the national guard to keep the legislature out of the Capitol Blg?

There was also a dispute of what branch of the Red River was the border in the southwestern part of Oklahoma. Texas was trying, if I remember correctly which as we have seen is questionable, to lop off a big chuck of SW Oklahoma.

But the esssance of my memory was correct. There was a lot of crazy nutzy behavior going on between OK and TX over bridges, oil wells, and territory in general in the early days of the state of OK. Third to last of the lower 48 to be admitted to the Union in 1907.

I wish I had the tenacity of GSF!