I purchased the Tagging Gun from Greg at lakework.com and put it to use this past weekend. Thanks to those who gave me tips on how to use it. I felt there was a learning curve to it, but I got better as the weekend went on. I felt some of my tags were not properly placed, but they seemed to stay in, while I felt others were perfectly placed. Is there an additional tip regarding where you aim the needle?

Fishing was slow this past weekend in both of my main bass ponds. I did move some nice bass from one of my small ponds to the main ones along with about 75 BG/RES.

I even caught a tagged fish 24hrs after tagging!

I am in a debate with my fellow pond boss on what data to keep on the tagged fish. I think at this point I am in favor of NOT keeping track of weight due to the stress of weighing and it seems easier to just note length of bass and if they are healthy or skinny. Do other PB's agree with this? Another negative to weighing is that the scales would have to be 100% accurate 100% of the time.

My ponds are a work in progress, but at least now with some tagged fish I can keep track of a little of the goings on. The only negatives to my main pond is that it has crappie in it and no visible minnows/shad. I have put a lot of BG/RES in there and I know the population is pretty good, but I worry about shad count. I also think that I have taken out too many 14inch bass in the last 2 years. I think next year my cull length might drop to 13in and below