Dear Georgia Aquaculture Association Member or Friend,

The next meeting of the Georgia Aquaculture Association (GAA) will be on Thursday, February 23, at the Steakhouse Restaurant in Hawkinsville, GA. The meeting will follow an educational program that we hope you will find interesting and important. We will hold an election of officers at the business meeting starting @ 1:00. We are interested in hearing from prospective candidates.

The Educational program will begin at 10:00 AM. Arrive between 9:30 and 10:00 for registration. The speakers are from industry and universities so we hope to cover different issues. Lunch will be buffet style and is included in the registration fee. Like last year, first year members will pay only $10.00 for a 12 month membership. Any spouses or guest would need to pay $10.00 as well. Established, active members will pay the usual $25.00 membership fee.

Please contact Wendy Gordon at 478-892-3144 for directions or additional information.

We hope to see everyone in Hawkinsville.

Very truly yours,
Tom Crow
