Pond Boss
Posted By: b-well After First Bloom - 08/09/05 03:44 AM
Well I did it. Like you guys said I over- fertilized my pond last month and really have been sweating out the possibility of an oxygen problem. After several sunny days and plenty of rainy late afternoons and nights here in Georgia, the clearity is now at 20" plus. My question is this-MY bloom has turned to a brownish color, and I have some green algea floating at the upper end of the pond (depending on wind dir). Should I wait until this has disappeared before I fertilize again or is this a problem? I'm not sure if I sould give the pond more time for the excess alge to die or not?.I surely don't want to make that mistake again. The rest of the pond (5 acres) is a dark brown color but very clear.
Posted By: ewest Re: After First Bloom - 08/10/05 12:00 AM
B-well :

What does the green algea look like , how much rain over what period , what was visa. before the rain , how much fert. did you use before and what type , did you lose top part of water out of the lake via outflow ? It sounds like you lost your bloom because of excess new water. Often the bloom will come back in a few days . You have to be careful with fert. in late summer. Post back with more info and I will try an answer. ewest
Posted By: Dave Davidson Re: After First Bloom - 08/10/05 01:16 AM
The brown color might be a plankton die off; probably is. However, you mentioned a lot of rain. You might have some suspended stuff from runoff. Get a quart jar and try to determine what you have.
Posted By: b-well Re: After First Bloom - 08/10/05 02:50 AM
Thanks for response, Ewest most of your questions are answered in my first post "First Bloom". I did not lose any water over the spillway,only thru the overflow pipe, and we had several rains that lasted a couple of hours each not sure of amount, due to working out of town. Visibility was at about 11" before the last rain. The algea that remains looks like a thin green rug matted together in the upper cove of the pond.( before that last rain boy I had a mess, there were some blue blooms or something looked like paint in areas and one area was like a red dust on the water. The last rain either sank this mess or wasked it out, glad it's gone tho).
Dave, I can see plankton suspended in the water, not suspended clay or stuff in the water, but it has turned brown and the green bloom has not returned, that is the main reason I was asking about what to do if anything at this time. Thanks guys for your time and comments, I will be watching for your responses.
Posted By: Dave Davidson Re: After First Bloom - 08/10/05 03:05 AM
I would also be sweating but after a couple of days of no fish loss, I think you may be OK.
Posted By: ewest Re: After First Bloom - 08/10/05 03:14 AM
b-well :

Does your overflow pipe drain water from the pond surface or from more than 3 ft. below the surface ? If from the surface you may have lost a lot of your fertile water. One of our ponds looks just like what you described under the same circumstances. If your visa. stays at 20 in. for a week then you may want to add a little fert. but go light and slow to see how the pond reacts. A slight green color and 18-24in. visa. is the general recommendation . ewest
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: After First Bloom - 08/10/05 02:21 PM
b-well just saw this post. ewest had good quesitons... What type fertilizer and how much did you use? ALso the question about top drain or siphon is useful. I think the rain flushed it out, may have been a blessing if you had 11 inches vis. Sounds like you have euglena and a red euglena bloom. THis is indicator of over fertilized ponds. If in metro ATL and you want a consultation let us know. thanks
Posted By: b-well Re: After First Bloom - 08/10/05 02:45 PM
Greg your questions are answered in my fist post,from last month you asked me some questions then but did not respond probably because I had to go out out town and it took me a while to get back to you. I'm near Milledgeville.
Ewest my drain cover is probably 30-36 inches deep so that is the depth the water runs under before it leaves the pond.
Ok , so now i have brown clear water I can see plankton suspended in the water, not suspended clay or stuff in the water, but it has turned brown and the green bloom has not returned, that is the main reason I was asking about what to do if anything at this time. Thanks guys for your time and comments, I will be watching for your responses.
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: After First Bloom - 08/10/05 02:56 PM
ok, i went back and read it. Sorry I did not remember it. I would think the fertilizer is gone at this point. Do you plan on using the granular form again? If so only go with the 3 on platform and no more. WHat is current visibility, is this with secchi disc? If you can check dissolved oxygen this would help determine if you have brown alge in the water column.
Posted By: b-well Re: After First Bloom - 08/10/05 03:10 PM
Cannot check dissolved oxygen. Locally I can get only granular or liquid fertlizer. It is with secchi disc 23 inches.
What is the procedure if I have brown alge? I'm pretty sure this is what I do have. Concerned about oxygen and brown alge and how to handle this situation.
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: After First Bloom - 08/10/05 08:21 PM
If you had green algae before you can have it again. My advice if greater than 24 inches vis is add 3 bags of granular fertilizer. If you are interested next time we go to Milledgeville we can provide you our "trophy grower" water soluble fertilizer.
Posted By: b-well Re: After First Bloom - 08/11/05 02:01 AM
Thanks...had 30 inches this afternoon..e-mail me or post back when you are coming..And thanks guys for all your help!! \:\)
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