Pond Boss
Posted By: gklop Too late to stock GC? - 05/24/16 12:39 PM
Hello everyone. I have a quick question. This year I plan on stocking 3-4 GC in my 1/2 acre pond. Is it too late to stock them? I will be getting my TP next week and was hoping to pick up the GC at the same time but I just read that they should have been stocked earlier.

Posted By: Bill Cody Re: Too late to stock GC? - 05/24/16 02:01 PM
I have seen one GC denude a 0.25 ac pond that had small pondweed and water lilies. I would start with one GC and see what it can do in 2016 & 2017. One GC and TP should make a big reduction in your pond plants in 2016. Then revaluate. GC are easy to stock very difficult to remove. GC can be stocked most anytime they are available.
Posted By: gklop Re: Too late to stock GC? - 05/24/16 02:42 PM
Thanks Bill! Last year was the first year for TP for me. They did a pretty good job. I did 11 lbs last year and am thinking of 15 this year due to the fact that I restocked some LMB last fall. I'll go with 1 GC this year and see what happens.
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