Pond Boss
Posted By: Pondwish Fish Harvesting in Year 3 - 02/09/18 04:12 AM
Bob Lusk wrote an article about overstocking a fishery and harvesting early with some good results that resembles what I have done on accident. Meaning, I thought I had a new 1.5 acre pond in NE Tx and in November 2015, I stocked 2000 CNBG and simultaneously 150 LMB (3-4 inch FL and F1 hybrids) with 6000 FHM to account for stocking the bass in the fall. The next summer, I actually measured the pond surface area and discovered it is only 0.9 acres! Thus, we harvested 50 of the poor-looking bass (didn't officially calculate relative weight). We have been feeding the CNBG and they appear prolific with incredible catch rates and many big fish although I haven't weighed them. I fertilized and had a good bloom all of the first summer. Had a good bloom spring of last year but, paradoxically, after putting in bottom aeration system, developed a bad FA problem which chewed up any fertilizer forcing me to stop and end up with clear water the last 6 mos. I plan on putting in tilapia to deal with the FA this spring and resume fertilization. My question is, when would you suggest harvesting more bass, what length, relative weight, and gender, how much bass, and should I harvest any CNBG and what size? I was thinking about harvesting the really big CNBG reasoning that the bass can't eat them but I read an article saying not to take the biggest. We have started to record all of our catches and we have some under standard weight and some right at standard weight and I did catch a 3# LMB when the pond was 2 years old. Goal is to have decent catch rates of 3-5# bass with hopes of an occasional 6-8 pounder. Thanks for your opinion.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Fish Harvesting in Year 3 - 02/09/18 11:01 AM
If bass are your goal, cull all of the small ones. Small generally means 14 inches and under. It's work. The big bluegills are your #1 brood stock to make bass food. I never cull them.

Lusk says that only 5% of the eggs laid and hatched will live to one year of age. And yet, that's a lot of hungry mouths to feed and bass are eating machines. Concentrate on maintaining the forage base by eliminating the smaller bass.
Posted By: snrub Re: Fish Harvesting in Year 3 - 02/09/18 12:34 PM
Here is an old thread where this topic was discussed that might have some additional information, plus there are several links within the thread for even older threads and links to a couple old Pond Boss articles.

The amount to harvest is a tough one for me.

what to harvest when
Posted By: Rainman Re: Fish Harvesting in Year 3 - 02/09/18 06:02 PM
Pondwish, I'd suggest testing your pH and getting a hardness and alkalinity test done. My guess is that with fertilizing, stopping, and ending with "clear" water, your pond is really low on calcium and magnesium. Without the proper pH and calcium/magnesium carbonates, a bloom cannot uptake nutrient and flourish
Posted By: ewest Re: Fish Harvesting in Year 3 - 02/10/18 11:13 PM
If the water is clear over time (spring and summer) then you have removed/reduced the base of the food web. That is an effect of off then on again fertilizer program and is not recommended. You can somewhat offset this by supplemental feeding but that may not help yoy/fry survival of subsequent generations. They have to have the right food at the right time when very small or they starve. General supplemental feeding does not address yoy/fry survival. Also test the water as noted by Rainman to be sure no chemical imbalance.
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