Pond Boss
Posted By: Lukkyseven Culling BG Females - 10/27/15 12:49 AM
So I typically cull every BG in my 1/4 acre pond that I can't 100% ID as male regardless of size. The pond is only effectively 2 years old so this is the biggest non male (about 90% sure it's female) to date. And it's the first one I put back. This photo isn't the best angle, but she's starting to get a little bit of helmet head. I know the amount of eggs I'm putting back into the pond is a lot more than a fish of smaller size, but I really liked the build of this fish and want her to pass on the genetics.

Posted By: Bill Cody Re: Culling BG Females - 10/27/15 01:37 AM
That is a nice looking female at 2 yrs. She deserved put-back.
Posted By: Lukkyseven Re: Culling BG Females - 10/27/15 11:31 AM
I really had a hard time throwing her back. I'm already seeing a big population of small gills, but I think sometimes good genetics just need to go back into the pond.

The absolute largest this gill could have been when I put her in would have been 4" and that was the summer of 13. So either she's got the pond figured out or it is good genetics... here's to hoping.
Posted By: taylor5877 Re: Culling BG Females - 10/30/15 04:35 PM
Don't underestimate your females, just because on paper the males are supposed to be superior, I'm finding my fed females can still get quite large.

I have a couple pushing a pound that I KNOW were female, but this one may be a male out of season (though our water is still in the 70's).

Posted By: Lukkyseven Re: Culling BG Females - 10/30/15 05:21 PM
That's a sharp looking fish, though I feel like I see black scale tipping and maybe a longer than average ear tab.

Either way, that fish would be allowed to die of natural causes in my pond... Beauty
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