Pond Boss
Posted By: FISHarvester FISHarvester questions - 11/25/13 10:12 PM
I have started this thread to answer questions dealing with an invention of mine. The FISHarvester. For those who run add blocker type programs and don't see the banner adds on the forum here is a link http://jabi.com/fisharvester
Posted By: blair5002 Re: FISHarvester questions - 11/25/13 10:19 PM
I have tried to go on your site through the link on your add and the website starts to load and then ends up being a blank white screen. This is on my iPhone.
Posted By: FISHarvester Re: FISHarvester questions - 11/25/13 10:27 PM
I have trouble with the phone app on website and its suppose to load only text. I have heard this before from others and have a tech guy trying to work it out. My guess is this only happens on a few phones. Sorry!
Posted By: blair5002 Re: FISHarvester questions - 11/25/13 10:30 PM
I have to snag the laptop from the wife and check it out
Posted By: FISHarvester Re: FISHarvester questions - 11/25/13 10:55 PM
>>Lighten the trap up or leave it in place

I have lighten it up as far as possible. I had to use wire to make it sturdy and when I first used nylon mesh I had trouble with turtles eating holes in the nylon mesh.

I have a pond guy locally who wants one that he can also leave in and use it as a fingerling feeder. With the 1 inch square wire it only allows CC a pound and under to get to the feed. My son dropped the boom on one last summer. We left it in the water untill this fall. It was full of feed and was surprized to find it had fish in it. My guess is that they just used it as a safe haven and got to big to get out. The doors was down and no way for fish to get in.

Next month I will be working a way to mount this on a boat dock and still be able to use as feeder or harvester and still be able to lift out of water to service it. Without paying me to come by with trailer or having to buy trailer himself. I plan to introduce this as another package in the spring.
Posted By: FISHarvester Re: FISHarvester questions - 11/25/13 11:29 PM
>Is the reach of the cage limited to how far you can back the trailer in >the water? Could be tough in a lot of field applications.

Yes I have set in the water using my 2 wheel drive pickup but only a couple places. One was a boat ramp the other had tractor if needed. Using my sons FJ we have no troubles finding a clear stop to set. Once the feeder is in the water you can use that cool little boat to move anywhere in pond. You will just have bring back to place to get it out of water.
Posted By: FISHarvester Re: FISHarvester questions - 11/25/13 11:51 PM
> It's a giant fish trap!

Yes, your basically right. as most know that unless you put a female in a trap in the spring CC won't go int o a trap. Traps only work in rivers or a creek. My theory on this is that they follow the trail of the bait to the trap. We all know why it works with the female already in the trap. When the FISHarvester is set in the water it's first a feeder that drops feed on a platform that does away with any waste of feed. The feeder is loaded with 25 lbs of feed which will last around 6 days depending on size of pond. Both ends are open allowing fish access to the feed and getting conditioned to the feeder. On the last day of feeding it can be changed into a trap then the fish can only get feed by entering the trap end. Then you back trailer into water to lift out. You now can pick and choose the fish you want to return to pond and the ones you want to harvest.
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