Pond Boss
Posted By: wes Old Pond - 04/20/04 09:14 PM
I have just purchased a property near Brenham Texas that has a 3-acre spring-fed pond on it. I have been told that the pond was built in the 1930's. The water is fairly clear and I have been told that it contains large-mouth bass and catfish. I have not yet fished the pond. There is alot of wetlands type vegetation where the creek empties into the pond, however, over 2/3rds of the pond is open water. I believe it is a least 15 feet deep in the middle near the dam. When I wadded into the pond on one of the sides I sunk up to my knees in muck. This side was vegetated with cattials. etc. However, the dam side of thejavascript:void(0)
Confused pond was fairly firm and has very little vegetation.

Additionally, the dam has been damaged over the years by cow tacks and beavers. There are several holes in the dam and there are some minor areas where water is seeping thru the dam. The dam can not be reached by large equipment because the spill-way is situated between the dam and the regular land and appears to be very wet and muddy all the time.

Last, but not least, I am interested in having a pier built out into the pond and don't know anything about pier construction.

I am hoping for some advise on these issues.


Posted By: Chris Shrader Re: Old Pond - 04/20/04 10:16 PM
My advice to you is do some fishing for both bluegill and bass. Pay close attention to every detail of the fish. (ie. are they fat, skinny; are they all smaller than 12 in, are they all larger than 12in; no small bluegill caught, how many did you catch in a given time period) This will tell you a good bit about what shape the fish population is in.

If the fish population is in balance then you may not need to do anything besides add some aeriation and some bacteria to take away some of your muck. However, a pond being this old...I kind of have my doubts.

You may want to think about draining the pond, dredging, fix dam holes, then refill and restock. The reason I say this is because look at what the fish have to offer. Fish have been in the pond for over 70 years with no additional stockings that you have talked about. That's alot of inbreeding. You could just add more bass to differsify genetics, but that option is really only open if you have a shortage of bass right now. Also this draining will let you start from scratch. Get a good dirt man, and your pond will have a make-over. If you follow the contents of this site from there you'll have big bass in a few years.

Let us know more as you fish.

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