Pond Boss
Posted By: Big Gulp Evaluating a tagged fished - 11/09/09 01:59 PM
On July 18, 2009, I started tagging fish (LMB only). This weekend (11-7-09) I recaught my first tagged fish. The bass weighed 2 lbs 13 ozs in July and the same weight this past weekend. That concerns me. I would have thought the fish would have grown to some degree.

This pond is 4+ acres and we have either harvested or propagated fish to other ponds for several years now. The pond was initially stocked in May 2002 w/ BG and fathead minnows. In May 2003 we introduced Floridas and Northerns.

My goal is to produce trophy sized fish. What should I do to insure I achieve my goal? In the same pond, we have caught fish well in excess of ten pounds; therefore, I know it is possible. I want to increase the numbers of big fish.
Posted By: Sunil Re: Evaluating a tagged fished - 11/09/09 02:39 PM
I would guess that you don't want to base all future actions on the data from one fish.

If we look at this one fish, it obviously has not put on any weight, so you might think the forage base is lacking.

But I think we should consider other factors as to why this specific fish might not be gaining weight.

Does anyone remember that LMB that Lusk dissected and found soft plastic lures in it's gut which was preventing it from eating?
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: Evaluating a tagged fished - 11/09/09 05:30 PM
I remember hearing about that LMB. There are a lot of reasons a bass may not grow. Sunil is right to not base future actions on just one fish. How many fish have you tagged now?

Other than FHM, BG and LMB are any other fish in the pond?
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Evaluating a tagged fished - 11/09/09 05:33 PM
Could this have something to do with a seasonal difference as well? I would think that as the water cools down the LMB would eat less and potentially remain at the same weight or perhaps even lose some weight during cold water months. Or perhaps I'm making that up.

Posted By: Big Gulp Re: Evaluating a tagged fished - 11/10/09 02:53 AM
The pond was dug in 2001. It took about a year to fill up and clear. We started with CNBG and FHM. They established themselves for a year and then stocked 3:1 Floridas:Northerns.

I agree that I shoudl not base a science project on a sample size of one; but, trust me, I am catching fish as fast as I can! I have tagged ten fish. I heard negative things about tags (i.e. they will come out and etc). So, I wanted to experiment with them to see if they would work. It appears that they do. I will now tag more.

If I tagged in Oct or Nov and recaught the fish in Feb, then I could understand the seasonal thoughts. However, the water is warm in July, Aug and Sept. I would think the fish would be at peak consumtption levels??????????
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: Evaluating a tagged fished - 11/10/09 01:51 PM
Big gulp summer months are not be the best growing months. Yes high metablism but means high diets required. better growth usually in spring and fall. We look at tag data along with all the other data and it is a piece of the puzzle. I suggest tagging many other bass of different size classes look at them over a few year period and it really helps see the big picture.

Should you be worried? Maybe a litte concerned but continue to monitor before being worried to much.
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Evaluating a tagged fished - 11/10/09 03:06 PM
 Originally Posted By: Big Gulp
If I tagged in Oct or Nov and recaught the fish in Feb, then I could understand the seasonal thoughts. However, the water is warm in July, Aug and Sept. I would think the fish would be at peak consumtption levels??????????

I don't know, that why I asked for expert feedback. The only thing I know for certain about pond ownership is that often times things don't go quite the way that you planned them to, even for professionals. Read Eric's "Unintended Consequences" article in this issue of Pond Boss and you'll see what I mean.
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