Pond Boss
Posted By: Connor Kelley Best Way to Add Tilapia to a Pond - 04/08/16 03:02 AM
Although I've heard great things about Todd Overton and the quality of fish he has, I don't have the free time in the next 6 weeks at least to drive down to Buffalo and pick up any fish.

There is, however, an aquaponics supplier that sells Mozambique tilapia for $2.50 per 1"-3" inch fish 20 minutes away from me.
I want to buy at least 100 fish in order to ensure that enough survive to reproduce and make a dent in the FA that is already becoming an aesthetic issue in the pond.

I'm about to order a bag of optimal to start throwing once the fish finish off this bag of feed, so I'm wondering if it would be better to buy a smaller number of fish and raise them to a larger size in my aquaponics system before releasing them into the pond, or buying more fish and just except that some will become two and a half dollar snacks? And by better I mean in terms of overall algae control and bottom line $s.
Posted By: anthropic Re: Best Way to Add Tilapia to a Pond - 04/08/16 03:35 AM
Connor, I'm sure no expert, but it seems to me that an important factor would be the bass population of your pond. If densely populated with 8 to 14 inchers, tilapia that size would be quickly eaten. If just a few LMB & other predators like CC and HSB, maybe the TP would be okay.

Would it be possible to fence off a shallow section of the pond to protect the TP?
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Best Way to Add Tilapia to a Pond - 04/08/16 10:49 AM
Connor, how big is the pond?
Posted By: esshup Re: Best Way to Add Tilapia to a Pond - 04/08/16 01:19 PM
Todd also delivers fish, it's not a "pick up only" operation.

It's not a dump and run thing either, I'd bet that they might see some things going on in your pond that you might not even be aware of. Having a professional see your pond is never a bad thing.
Posted By: Rainman Re: Best Way to Add Tilapia to a Pond - 04/08/16 02:05 PM
If you are planning to spend $250 on 100 small, immature fish, order from Todd and wait till he gets close to you with larger, sexually mature fish! In Parker County, call Chad at Texoma Hatchery in Whitesboro TX! Phone:(903)564-5372...He'll take great care of you!

Small fish with larger LMB would be nothing but a complete waste of money!
Posted By: dale k Re: Best Way to Add Tilapia to a Pond - 04/08/16 02:09 PM
Seems pretty expensive. I just bought some for $10 a pound 3-5inches. I am in the same boat I drove to get bass from overtons last year but it is an 8 hour round trip.
Posted By: Rainman Re: Best Way to Add Tilapia to a Pond - 04/08/16 04:32 PM
Originally Posted By: dale k
Seems pretty expensive. I just bought some for $10 a pound 3-5inches. I am in the same boat I drove to get bass from overtons last year but it is an 8 hour round trip.

Stockers should be a minimum size of 6-9" with the 6" getting eaten and distracting predators till the larger ones can seek cover and acclimate to the surroundings. I'd estimate 40-60% of the 6" fish becoming snacks, but overall weight is comparatively low in a 10 pound stocking of mixed, larger sizes.

One pound of 3-5" Tilapia should be from 40-100 fish, and I'd estimate all but about 50% of the 5 inchers will become snacks within minutes of being stocked. Any tilapia avoiding predation for 10-12 hours will likely be fine. 5" Mozambique tilapia will be sexually mature, but will have low reproduction numbers till reaching about 8" in size.

1-3" tilapia stocked with even 6" LMB present, will almost all be ravenously snacked on.
Posted By: Connor Kelley Re: Best Way to Add Tilapia to a Pond - 04/09/16 08:48 PM
Dave, the pond is at back down to full pool and is 2 acres. Maximum depth is 13 feet with about a 3:1 slope if I were to estimate. I would be able to set up a "naturalization" area if necessary to aid in survival of newly stocked fish.

I emailed Todd 3 weeks ago and talked to him about fish availability and delivery options, and he said that I would need to come down to the live fish market in order to get them. It's completely understandable, especially for an order that wouldn't be more than 25 lbs., and I'd really like to buy from him, but I won't have any time to make the trip until mid to late May. Only one LMB is in the pond as of now, but there is a large population of large GSF.

I'll try and get in touch with Texoma Hatcheries!
Posted By: Connor Kelley Re: Best Way to Add Tilapia to a Pond - 04/15/16 04:52 AM
On Monday I contacted Robin with Bob Lusk Outdoors. She was very genuine in trying to help me, and gave me Walter Bassano's contact information. I spoke with Walter on Wednesday about when he'd be in the area, and he said that there were numerous jobs near me coming up. He seems like a great guy and I feel that he is as committed as I am to helping me get tilapia out to this pond.

Thank you Rainman for sending me their way!
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Best Way to Add Tilapia to a Pond - 04/15/16 09:00 AM
Yeah, Walter is a good guy. I think he lives in Benbrook.
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