Pond Boss
Posted By: steve72932 New Ponds - 10/18/10 05:06 PM
Have just finhed two new ponds and both have filled with water. We have horses and mules and I am wondering if there is some grass I could use on the pond banks that the horses will not like to eat as well as the grass in the pasture, so the pond banks will maintain the grass on them. Also the ponds are muddy as you would expect - but are there any tips for clearing them up? I live in the Northwest corner of Arkansas so grass will need to suit climate here. Also would appreciate any info on stocking fish types and the ratios to stock.
Thanks for any advice you can offer.
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: New Ponds - 10/18/10 05:22 PM
Hello Steve and welcome to Pond Boss! Thanks for joining up and posted and hang on and someone should be along to give you an answer.
Posted By: steve72932 Re: New Ponds - 10/18/10 05:26 PM
Thanks - looks like a lot of good informatiom is exchanged on here.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: New Ponds - 10/19/10 09:54 AM
Not sure what horses won't eat. Fish types and ratios are dependent on your goals, likes, dislikes and $$$.

BTW, welcome.
Posted By: esshup Re: New Ponds - 10/19/10 01:24 PM
Steve, I have no experience raising livestock, so I can't give you a first hand answer about the grass. What are your goals for the pond? We can recommend stocking from your answer.
Posted By: Magnolia Rick Re: New Ponds - 10/19/10 08:34 PM
My house use to stand in 2ft high and not eat it. Now my cows would wipe it out. Now that just and old man 2 cents for Texas
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