Pond Boss
Posted By: adamsafe Stocking to protect Bullfrogs - 08/14/07 04:57 PM
I have a small 1/4 acre pond that has a vibrant (and valued) bullfrog population. We just added 3 triploid carp to clean up the growth. We are worried about adding bass and bluegill because we do not want to damage the bullfrog population.

We are also considering channel catfish - do they eat the bullfrogs or bullfrog tadpoles?

Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Stocking to protect Bullfrogs - 08/14/07 05:12 PM
Don't forget the herons. They will do a number on frogs too.
Posted By: Kent Re: Stocking to protect Bullfrogs - 08/14/07 05:24 PM
Adamsafe, I have a 1/2 acre pond and before I stocked it the pond was full of bullfrog tadpoles. I stocked it with CC, CNBG, and FHM. Since then the tadpole population has just about dissapeared. I also (had) a couple of Blue Heron around the pond that were eating everything in sight. So, I'm not sure what was responsible,the fish or the Herons or both!
Posted By: adamsafe Re: Stocking to protect Bullfrogs - 08/14/07 05:27 PM
Thanks, Kent. Sorry, but I assume CC is channel catfish. What are CNBG andd FHM?

Posted By: Shorty Re: Stocking to protect Bullfrogs - 08/14/07 05:32 PM
adamsafe, a pond with lots of aquatic vegetation helps the bullfrogs escape predation by fish. We have lots of LMB (largemouth bass) and we also have lots of bullfrogs too, we also have an aquatic vegetation problem too. One of the biggest predators on young bullfrogs are adult bullfrogs.

CNBG (copper nose bullgills)
FHM (fathead minnows)
Posted By: Kent Re: Stocking to protect Bullfrogs - 08/14/07 05:40 PM
Sorry Adamsafe,when I was new to the forum, I didn't know what all the acronyms were either.Thanks Shorty for the explanation.
Posted By: Gambusia Re: Stocking to protect Bullfrogs - 08/15/07 05:20 PM
Channel catfish will absolutely love to eat all your tadpoles.

If you want fish in a bullfrog pond stock goldfish.

The goldfish will even become food for the big bullfrogs.
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