Pond Boss
Posted By: RyanB Placing habitat for ICE fishing, need opinions - 08/23/07 03:40 AM
I came here because you guys know your stuff, and I wanted to adapt your pond theories to a lake. First off, here is a link to a contour of that lake: http://www.iowadnr.com/fish/fishing/lakes/maps/roc50.gif

What I need to know is where to put YOU would put this structure to be able to have fish on it during hard water. Think of it as a really big pond!

Thanks in advance!
Hi RyanB. I'm sure many people can and will help with their ideas. My first thought is for you to take advantage of all the natural structure in the impoundment!! A brushpile off the point between the east and west arms (north side) would be great. Where shore gradient is steep, make the structure linear and run from shallow to deep water. Similarly, look at that big flat that runs from the north shore on the west arm. There, put a brushpile just on the lip of the dropoff. Think about structures in spots such as the two I have listed.
RyanB I agree with Dave use the natural structure. To make improvements to them a little info would help. Size and depth of the lake and the avg max ice depth. Also the types of fish you want to fish for. Here is a link to the Forum archive on structure how to and pics.


Glad you posted and please join in .
RyanB – You have a pretty large area to work with. I would pick locations that are points (especially with steep drop-offs) and obvious inside corners. The deepest water is the warmest in the winter so I would place brush piles in locations that are near or in deep water adjacent to these natural lake features.
Dwight all your pics of the x-mas tree and plastic plant structures are gone. Can you re-post them here along with any others of yours you think good so I can add them to the archives ?

Guys if possible don't delete pics that have been archived or referenced. Thanks. Remember a pic is worth at least 1000 words. \:\)
ewest - I didn't delete them on purpose. They were hosted on a server that died into bankruptcy. I now post everything on a server farm that is backed up continuously. I do, of course, have them backup in two other locations!

Which posts in particular need photo links re-established? I will do my best to get them repaired.
Thanks for the suggestions guys!

Here is a little more info on the specific lake: http://www.iowadnr.com/fish/fishing/lakes/roc50.html

Now the main thing I am trying to figure out is what depths to put the structure, relative to where the crappies and bluegills will be wintering. I am not familiar with the depth habits of panfish in the winter season.

That contour may be a little hard to read, but you can zoom in on it. Max depth about 20ft, most of lake basin about 14 FOW.

I'll be sure to post pics putting the structure down and once the hard water hits, hopefully some videos with the aquaview!

I fish that lake every spring for crappie with some friends from Grinnell. Are you part of the Izaak Walton League? Or are you doing something individually or with another group to increase the habitat of the lake?
Here is a another map;


I hope this helps,

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