Pond Boss
Posted By: Brent Putting structure in a full pond - 12/16/02 05:01 PM
I had a pond dug last spring and it just filled up. It is about 2/3 of an acre and 15 feet deep. I realize now that I sould have put some structure in it for the fish. Besides Christmas trees, does anyone have any any suggestions what type of structure I can put in it and how? Thanks.
Posted By: Pottsy Re: Putting structure in a full pond - 12/16/02 06:21 PM
Hey Brent, if you scroll through the messages in this section you will find a TON of ideas on what to use as structure. Good luck.
Posted By: Bill Duggan Re: Putting structure in a full pond - 12/16/02 06:50 PM
Brent, After my pond filled up I sank wood pallets. I tied bundles of 5 or 6 together with nylon rope and attached a concrete block to it. Then I towed the pallets to the location desired, and anchored then with a few bricks and string. The pallets will not sink until they become waterlogged, a week or two in my case. In my 3.5 acre pond I sank 15 bundles.
Posted By: Tuzz Re: Putting structure in a full pond - 08/18/03 01:56 PM
If you wait for it to freeze you can then drag anything you are able to over the area where you want the structure. Then just wait for the ice to melt and down it will go. Be sure to weight it down so it sinks.
Posted By: Jeff Brewer Re: Putting structure in a full pond - 08/19/03 12:12 AM
I'm sold on the old concrete culverts fish love them, they sink, they roll, and if you catch the hi-way department at the right time they give them away. Good luck.
Posted By: DRD II Re: Putting structure in a full pond - 08/22/03 11:51 AM
Tires are free, and you can make a lot of cool structures with them. You can sink singles, three tires in a pyramid, or anything you can imagine.
Posted By: Jeff Brewer Re: Putting structure in a full pond - 08/25/03 01:52 AM
I'm sure it's frowned upon and not that healthy for fishys but when I was a kid my dad pushed an old car in our pond. He owned a junk yard so it was cheap and I caught the biggest bass of my life 9 lbs. right over it.
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