Pond Boss
Posted By: Mark B Latest addition to the pond - 04/12/09 04:18 PM
one of the several high wind storms we had in the last few months half knocked over this 14" pine tree so I cut it down and after a few weeks got busy with the tractor, some chains and more hand/shovel work then I was prepared for, ended up with this beauty to add to the pond.

I have a few questions as to where to put this into my pond.
1st, I have CC and know that putting this in will ontribute to a spawning cavern for them, i am willing to accept that.

2nd, I was thinking of putting this in on its side so there is an umbrella effect vs the laying flat on the bottom effect, this is what I am curius about, the last thing is that my loader could hardly lift this and its rated at 1100 lbs so Ill have to drag it into the pond from he opposite side and that may be a problem in itself. I will probably wait until late July and put it in when the water is its lowest, then try to get the very top of it just under water so its eventually in about 4 ft of water at normal height.

Anyone else have any thoughts on how you would place this?? Id love to hear it, pond has BC, CC, BG, HBG and RES and a few YP and HSB, ( No LMB)

Posted By: 2catmom Re: Latest addition to the pond - 04/12/09 05:47 PM
I don't know where to put it, but it is cool, and I like it.
Posted By: bobad Re: Latest addition to the pond - 04/12/09 05:49 PM
Nice stump!

It should be a good bit lighter after baking in the sun all summer. Maybe you can lift it easily with your loader by then.

If it will stabilize in the water with the stump laying over, it would be ideal. The stump is long enough to give it leverage, so it may work.
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: Latest addition to the pond - 04/13/09 12:51 AM
Looks like some great natural structure for the fish! I think putting it on its side would work better IMO. It may help CC spawn, but I doubt it. You may need to weight it down to get it to sink initially...
Posted By: esshup Re: Latest addition to the pond - 04/13/09 03:16 AM
If you can tip it over on it's side and get as many of the roots off the ground as possible, it will dry out faster you'll be surprised how much lighter it is by july.
Posted By: STRIZZO Re: Latest addition to the pond - 04/13/09 04:15 PM
Can you saw the stump shorter and "plant it" upside down, creating a mushroom looking abode?
Posted By: Sgt911 Re: Latest addition to the pond - 04/13/09 04:24 PM
Awwww, An underwater hook storage device.
Posted By: Blaine Re: Latest addition to the pond - 04/16/09 08:03 PM
I have one like that in my pond. Works great! Fish are really drawn to it. Unfortunately, it has become one of the better fishing spots and I snag that sucker every time. One of these days, I'll go down and retrieve my lures when my tackle box is empty.
Posted By: maashkinoozhe Re: Latest addition to the pond - 04/16/09 09:17 PM
I personally would be willing to lose a few hooks here and there as opposed to seeing artificial white plastic. but that's just my humble opinion.
I don't mean to be nitpicking here but Blaine your quote is definitely toeing the line of politics. My country provides it's citizens with free healthcare and I am very proud of that fact...
Posted By: mtalley Re: Latest addition to the pond - 04/16/09 09:55 PM
I was very surprised when I "sunk" a few stumps in my pond and they floated. After drying you will need weight for sure. Great structure.
Posted By: Mark B Re: Latest addition to the pond - 04/17/09 06:46 PM
Thanks for the input guys, I do hope to get it on its side or upside down if pssible, but alot depends on how hard it is to manouver , I may move it sooner if the banks dry out enough for the tractor/loader to work. Ill try to post pics of the placement and the SNAFU that usually comes from one of my many projects....

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