Pond Boss
Posted By: Gunny Best way to use for structure - 09/22/08 08:34 PM
So, my brother-in-law is a chef and I have access to plastic milk crates and bread flats. My questions... first with the milk crates, I plan on stacking them 4 - 6 high but don't know if I should stack them top to bottom, closing off the large top opening and only allowing access to small fish or, should I throw in ones turned on the side exposing the opening. I plan on driving a t-post to anchor them, so the other part of this question is, is one vertical stack or spiral them around the t posts better? I will have a lot to use, so I will be putting arrangements of three to 5 stacks wherever I use them, just curious as to what you guys think is the best orientation.

Next on the bread flats. They are roughly 3 feet square. Would it be best to zip tie them in triangle shaped formations ,like pallets or stack them top to top to create sandwhiched layers about 6" thick stacked on top of each other?

I know the obvious answer is to mix it up, but what arrangements do y'all find to hold fish/protect young the best?


Posted By: Asgrd Pndkper Re: Best way to use for structure - 09/22/08 10:46 PM
Sounds like you could make some trees...a milk crate or two a bread flat...a milk crate or two then another flat...all on a t-post...maybe some A-frames out of the flats...
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Best way to use for structure - 09/23/08 02:48 PM
My guess Gunny, would be to stack them in such a way that the large opening is closed off to give the little fellers a place to escape predation.

Experts? Advice Givers? Speculators? Opinionated Buffoons?

I fall into the last category Gunny so wait for a real opinion.
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Best way to use for structure - 09/23/08 03:44 PM
 Originally Posted By: jeffhasapond
Experts? Advice Givers? Speculators? Opinionated Buffoons?

Now that you've nailed down opinions, JHAP, I can engage in some sheer speculation. That usually brings out further corrections from the Advice Givers and Experts.

Given a large number available for use, I would try and come up with some configurations for both large fish (bread flat A-frames, milk cartons spiralled around t-posts with the openings accessible) and small fish (cartons stacked with the large openings covered, perhaps simple stacks of bread flats.

I would put the small fish sanctuaries out of the way in shallower water, with some shorter ones close to shore. I would group the large fish attractors near where I wanted to fish from.
Posted By: ewest Re: Best way to use for structure - 09/23/08 06:21 PM
Bakery triangle pyramid - not to scale. Using trays , crates cable ties and anchor posts. One of many ideas. Thought is small spaces for small fish and protected open areas for large fish. Underneath trays hang down. Crates used open end down. Two feet of water over top of structure.

Posted By: Brettski Re: Best way to use for structure - 09/23/08 06:42 PM
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Best way to use for structure - 09/23/08 08:00 PM
Can't be - I tried holding the laptop upside down over my head and shaking it. Ewest's picture is still there.
Posted By: Gunny Re: Best way to use for structure - 09/23/08 08:27 PM
OK, so which of these would represent a top view of that?


I could string configurations like that together to form a reef, yes? Maybe 2 of the structures, 8-10 foot gap, 2 more, gap, etc?
If so, how long a reef is useable. I guess what I'm asking is in theory, could I stretch a reef along one entire north bank or would I want to keep it to only two or three of these types of structure, maybe 25 - 30 feet for each 100 feet of bank? Also, should the reef travel down the slope to cover different depths and then a gap then angle back up?

Also, in terms of the bread flats and holding structure for larger fish, which configuration would be best?
/ / I ------------- / / I I I I / / I I I I / / I I I I / / I I I I ------------ ------------- -------------

I guess, here again, the obvious answer is mix them. Could a person also string these together in groups of say 3 - 5 with around a 4' gap between them to form a reef?

Sorry to come back with so many questions after being gone, I just realized I have this source of structure that won't decompose with time and I'm excited to get started!!!!

Thanks for all the help,

Posted By: ewest Re: Best way to use for structure - 09/23/08 09:34 PM
The second one is close. Mine has 3 legs.

How about some general thoughts.

Small thick stuff near shore so FH can hide and nest under/in.

Mix of thick and loose stuff in water 4-9 feet to concentrate all sizes of fish for foraging and catching.

In deep water vertical is important (from bottom to within 2 feet of surface).

Near BG/RES/LMB beds lines or bunches of thick cover for yoy to hide in.

In open water lines/trails/highways for fish to travel from feeding areas to deep water refuge.

Clumps of structures (or ones like the pyramid above) are better than single stand up items (like 1 pole with trays or crates attached).

Consider wind direction and shade in making choices. Also think in terms of 3-D ( height , width and depth with bottom features as part of the equation) and also ambush points in creating structure. Any one else have points to add?

Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Best way to use for structure - 09/24/08 03:10 PM
Good stuff Gunny. And you don't have to apologize for questions or most comments. Heck if that was a forum policy I'd have a post count almost as high as Theo's.

 Originally Posted By: ewest
Any one else have points to add?

Only a question, when did Etch-a-sketch come out with a color version? Mine is only gray scale.

See what I mean Gunny?
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