Pond Boss
Posted By: Bluegillerkiller Started another project - 12/26/12 06:43 AM
Hey fellas started another little project.. I'm gonna restore a 1955 Brunner compressor.. Ill post some pics up tomorrow.. Any one interested? Or even better know anything about Brunners or compressors in general V-twin compressors?
Posted By: FireIsHot Re: Started another project - 12/26/12 11:45 AM
I love projects!

Found this place for Brunner compressor parts, so maybe this will help.

Posted By: Bluegillerkiller Re: Started another project - 12/26/12 03:31 PM
Yeah I've already contacted them thanks though..
Posted By: Bluegillerkiller Re: Started another project - 12/31/12 01:40 AM
Couple pic updates waiting for enamel extra high gloss paint too dry wasn't ready Friday should be this week.. Ill post more pics when done.. Also my photobucket has been junk since the hack..

Posted By: Bluegillerkiller Re: Started another project - 12/31/12 01:44 AM

Here's another I was only able to save the site glass off of it cleaned up real good

Why is it doing this too me ahhhhh photobucket is pi$$ing me offffffff
Posted By: sprkplug Re: Started another project - 12/31/12 01:44 AM
As an admirer of anything mechanical, I understand the need to get ones hands dirty. But I am curious....whatcha' gonna' do with it when it's finished?
Posted By: Bluegillerkiller Re: Started another project - 12/31/12 01:51 AM
Put it in my garage this is one of the best compressors of all time.. Quiet, American made, most reliable 150 psi CFM disp-27.0 free air-18.3 on an 80 gallon tank it should work like a dream smile
Posted By: sprkplug Re: Started another project - 12/31/12 02:01 AM
You're putting it back into service...gotcha'...

Me, I'm looking for a particular style of compressor to convert into a gasoline engine.
Posted By: JKB Re: Started another project - 12/31/12 02:09 AM
I've heard of people converting gasoline engines to air compressors, but not the other way around. That would be interesting.
Posted By: Bluegillerkiller Re: Started another project - 12/31/12 02:15 AM
I've heard they converted some of these brunner compressors into hit-n-miss motors somehow?

How do you plan to do that sprkplug..
Posted By: sprkplug Re: Started another project - 12/31/12 02:16 AM
BGK, do you think you should have that old tank hydro tested, or are you going to replace it?
Posted By: Bluegillerkiller Re: Started another project - 12/31/12 02:22 AM
That whole setup has already went in the trash I had 2 compressors the one on the rack with the tank was the one with the locked up rusted heads.. The other was by itself.. That tank was way too small anyways..

Also i figure if I could build my machine shop with machines that at are atleast twice as old as me ill be in good shape.. (Except Digital readouts smile )
Posted By: sprkplug Re: Started another project - 12/31/12 02:41 AM
Nothing wrong with old machines...this is a 1954 Southbend..9" swing, flat leather belt drive....not going to make parts for the space program on it anymore, but I'm familiar with it and it does a good job for me. DRO is nice, but I still like doin' the math and turning the handles!

"Dear departed friend Dennis: I know you're shaking your head at the balsa block in the metal lathe, AND the lack of tailstock support, but old friend you know as well as I, that we do what we must at times. Forgive me!"

And I was also thinking about a hit-n-miss engine for the compressor conversion. I have a few full size engines that I've restored, but would like to build one myself.
Posted By: esshup Re: Started another project - 12/31/12 04:46 AM
The pistons didn't look too bad on the first one.

Media blasting sure does clean things up nice doesn't it?

I knew when I saw the oil that the other one was toast....... too bad.
Posted By: Bluegillerkiller Re: Started another project - 12/31/12 11:50 AM
The pistonss are like new on the first one.. I
I looked at the rings with a magnifier glass and you can still see microscopic horizontal machining marks so I'm guess it was rebuilt before it was stored in a barn 30+ yrs ago.

And the site glass I did the brass-bronze-copper whatever it is with a wire wheel the aluminum handles I blasted..
Posted By: Robert-NJ Re: Started another project - 01/02/13 02:55 AM
nice stuff............I'm going to have to check what compressor we have in our barn now,it looks real close to what you have there.
Posted By: Bluegillerkiller Re: Started another project - 01/02/13 03:11 AM
That era they look a lot alike, if you can post a pic I might be able to help you atleast identify the maker..
Posted By: Robert-NJ Re: Started another project - 01/02/13 03:35 AM
Thanks BGK I'll snap a pic tomorrow,my dad came across it 20+ years ago at a equipment auction,we've been using it ever since.........Although ours isnt what I'd call quiet,it has a distinctive sound to it that is more tolerable then the new style ones.
Posted By: Robert-NJ Re: Started another project - 01/03/13 01:16 AM
BGK,I forgot the camera when I went out to the barn but what we have is a old keystone opposed twin cyl compressor and not a V like yours.
Posted By: Bluegillerkiller Re: Started another project - 01/05/13 10:47 AM
Cool Rob..

Disaster struck last night broke a piston ring trying to get this thing back together last night.. The pistons have to be attached to the crank then the heads slid over not easy, bad part is I had it together but had a piston connected wrong so had to take it all back apart.. Needless too say I was using some "adult" words..

Also I've given up on sleeping working doubles and living hr and 15 mins from work makes it pointless to try..
Posted By: esshup Re: Started another project - 01/05/13 08:22 PM
Sleep is over rated!

I was really, really tired but just had to get the head off of the 350 one evening (or was it morning?)

Head didn't want to come off, so I took a crowbar to it.

After I heard a POP I realized that I neglected to remove the lower row of bolts........ mad

Yep, I was leaning on the crowbar.

Stripped the valves, etc. out of the head and off to the scrap yard it went.
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