Pond Boss
I told a friend of mine I would ask this question to my Pond Boss family.I'm not talking about red wasps but the yellow colored critters you see in the ground that sting like FIRE!! Anyone have tried and true ways of eradicating them (without getting stung)?? I have never had a problem with them so did not know what to tell them. Thanks for any advise I can pass along.
been there, dun that
Shop Vac! Got rid of a few this way.

* Wait til late in the day when they are really active and will be returning for the night.
* Duct tape the wand to a 2x4 so you can position it from 8 feet away. * Get the tip of the hose within an inch or two from the entrance.
* Walk away, run Vac it till dusk - do not open the vac for a week!!!
Thanks everyone. We now have some ideas how to get rid of them!!
I used to keep bees. You have to kill the queen to eradicate. Best way I know of to kill ground hornets is to build a fire over the nest.
Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
I used to keep bees. You have to kill the queen to eradicate. Best way I know of to kill ground hornets is to build a fire over the nest.

That is such a Texas solution...but I love it and it sounds effective....any excuse for me to play with fire, I'm in.
The only way to get rid of those beer drinking bees, unless you find their nest, is to put out a bowl of beer. Meanwhile, if they are around, do not leave your drinking beer unattended! Their sting is mean! Knowing the nest (we have even had a honey bee hive develop in a rock wall), I've always achieved complete success with that one instant wasp killer spray that can shoot twenty-three feet.
Originally Posted By: Flame
I told a friend of mine I would ask this question to my Pond Boss family.I'm not talking about red wasps but the yellow colored critters you see in the ground that sting like FIRE!! Anyone have tried and true ways of eradicating them (without getting stung)?? I have never had a problem with them so did not know what to tell them. Thanks for any advise I can pass along.

Red wasps use Dawn and water douse them good dead in 15 seconds. The yeller and black ones that live under ground and pester you when you are cleaning a deer or a hog.........I like Dave’s idea!! Light em up!
Originally Posted By: Pat Williamson
Red wasps use Dawn and water douse them good dead in 15 seconds. The yeller and black ones that live under ground and pester you when you are cleaning a deer or a hog.........I like Dave’s idea!! Light em up!

A quart of gasoline poured on the nest kills em pretty good, but I like to toss a match on just to be sure. lol
The gasoline method sounds good, is fun, but doesn't get the results of eliminating the wasps from an underground nest. It'll kill some wasps, it's better at killing your lawn. Been there, done that.

Mostly they stay away and wait till the fire goes out, then resume normal activity.

Shopvac method is a one way ticket that will leave a blanket of dead wasps covering the bottom of the vac, and most importantly, no more wasps.
You gas em at night, while they're all in the nest and asleep.
I have done in 3 underground yellow jacket hives this year.

First - Find the nest.

I approach the nest and spray cheap foaming wasp spray you get at any big box store. This keeps them from coming after you but doesn't have any lasting affect.

Treat with a cup of bifenthrin granules. Just the stuff that comes in a big bag for killing grubs in lawns. Try to fill the holes(s) and a foot or so all around each hole. This is really not a lot of pesticide as it is very localized.

Wet the granules down. This activates them.

Check every couple of days and keep checking for new holes within a foot or so of the original nest. Retreat as needed. Usually one or two treatments is a permanent solution.
Here's a little trick my father taught me when I was a kid. We had one of those ground hornet nest under a sidewalk in front of the house. My dad got an old empty beer bottle and filled it half full of water and placed it next to the hole. Now from what I understand and I'm probably saying it wrong the bees know where the hole is by scent (fearmones?) and when they get near the hole they locate the hole when they hover over it. They feel a difference from where there is solid ground and where there is a hole. So the bees crawl into the bottle instead of the hole. Fun to watch
A few years ago a buddy of mine did a tutorial on killing hornets LOL

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