Pond Boss
Posted By: JMac0912 positive ID on a snake? - 09/06/14 04:42 PM
Morning everyone, can anyone help me with a positive ID on this snake? Found it this morning under a log - already dead but still spooked me!

Apparently this photo is the belly - I'd take another one but the critter was properly disposed of on the burn pile.

Posted By: Snakebite Re: positive ID on a snake? - 09/06/14 05:05 PM
Black back with the orange or red striped belly

Although the length doesn't match what they say average
Posted By: Shelby County Re: positive ID on a snake? - 09/06/14 05:20 PM
JMac, I am pretty sure it is a Mud Snake. Look it up on Google. I have encountered many of them here in East Texas. They are a large and beautiful snake. Usually very docile and like swampy or watery habitats although not a real aquatic snake.
Tom Sterling (Shelby County ).
Posted By: JMac0912 Re: positive ID on a snake? - 09/07/14 02:56 AM
Snake, my first thought was ring neck also, but the coloration didn't match up and it didn't have a ring. Shelby, my first pass on Google steered me away from mud snake, but after reading these suggestions and re-searching, it is indeed a red-bellied mudsnake. Glad to know in case I encounter another one!
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