Pond Boss
Posted By: RER OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/22/12 03:48 PM
Stupid bird is taking nice big fish, some it can barley fly with...and its a very large bird. Any ideas to deter it from dive bombing the pond. I was thinking running 100lb monofilimant fishing line from tree top to tree top
(or there abouts) the interrupt its flight path, with its long wingspan I though several crossings of the pond maybe cross cross would work. Any other ideas...
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/22/12 05:19 PM
Whatever you do, keep your mouth shut about it.
Posted By: Grundulis Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/22/12 05:44 PM
At first you can try to frighten this nasty osprey by shooting some blank rounds on it's direction. If it doesn't help then you have to choose between fish and bird. Seems like that shooting might be the only solution then.

Don't forget to think about all possible risks before starting any action. If you got curious neighbours or maybe a sherrif in a neighbourhood then think twice before start shooting.

And don't forget Dave Davidsons advice smile
Posted By: Sniper Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/22/12 06:35 PM
Those Latvians always want to shoot everything. Not like us peace loving American boys. Insert guffaws here.

Florida probably has some pretty tight laws on birds and the osprey is perhaps a federally protected bird as well. Good luck.

Grundulis: Relax, have a glass of wine.
Posted By: RER Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/22/12 07:07 PM
I know a fish farm that used the lines to cross ponds. He said the bird saw them last minute tried to avoid in flight and crashed into the water once or twice and never bothered trying again. I am hoping I can get enough cross sections to interfer with is flight path....I think the most humane idea...Plus If the bird is removed another one will show up. I see osprey ever place I look here in NE FLORDA...
I guess living near allot of water has its down side. My Fiance has one that catches tilipia out of a little fountain pond in between two buildings in her office park. It just hangs above it and drops in like a sky diver.
Posted By: Grundulis Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/22/12 08:36 PM

Well, we have got problems with cormorants, herons and otters here too. Our laws are really outdated, every thinking human here can confirm it. 15-20 years ago seeing otter, cormorant or heron was a real luck but now they can be found everywhere.
Imagine a fishkeeper going to his pond and seeing lots of different creatures eating his fish. Would you be happy? I don't think so. And all of these wild predators are protected by law and theoretically can't be eliminated. WTF?
I understand that only endangered animals/birds/insects should be protected by law but if they can can be seen everywhere - does it seems normal for you? Not for me.

What do most of fishkeepers do? They shoot herons and cormorants and don't talk much about that. And they hope that once laws will be updated allowing some regulation. The first step maybe would be allowing eliminating all these creatures in private ponds. They aren't natural lakes/rivers and they shouldn't be considered as home for all of creatures mentioned before.

If I were in USA then probably I would think in a different way smile

Originally Posted By: Sniper

Grundulis: Relax, have a glass of wine.

Well, I'm drinking the 3rd beer right now smile
Posted By: RER Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/22/12 08:53 PM
In florida fish farms can get a permit to kill up to ten cormorants a year.
Posted By: RER Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/22/12 08:54 PM
But that does not help me with my ospry problem, any one tried running lines to interupt the flight path of the bird over the pond before?
Posted By: Grundulis Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/22/12 09:51 PM
Originally Posted By: BobbyRice
In florida fish farms can get a permit to kill up to ten cormorants a year.

This works only if the cormorant killer is honest. Who can say that ONLY 10 cormorants have been killed? Maybe 12 or maybe even 25?
Anyway it's better than in Latvia. Here they ALL are under protection.

Originally Posted By: BobbyRice
But that does not help me with my ospry problem, any one tried running lines to interupt the flight path of the bird over the pond before?

You didn't mention the size of your pond but you mentioned large fish. Probably your pond isn't a tiny one.
I think that putting net or a fishing line over a pond might work only with a very small ones. For example a small garden pond with a few koi carps.
Posted By: missouridave Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/22/12 10:22 PM
In Missouri, we use SSS to deal with problem animals, whatever they are. (Shoot, Shovel and Shutup.) wink
Posted By: esshup Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/22/12 10:33 PM
I'd go with the mono. Cecil has used it to deter Great Blue Herons from his ponds.

It's something that can be in place 24/7, and you aren't at the pond every hour of daylight. Like you said, take away one and another will show up.

A friend down in Texas has a permit to shoot cormorants on his ponds. I remember a few years ago I shot the last one of the year, and it was #200. They have to be retrieved and buried. 17HMR from 150 or so Yds works just fine. wink He has to keep a log book with the date, name of shooter, time, and what pond.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/22/12 10:41 PM
I believe Scotty in Australia had to use a lot of lines to protect his fish from some kind of birds.

I wouldn't want any one to know that I had harmed an osprey or even could be considered harassing one. You could get in a lot of trouble.
Posted By: Sniper Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/23/12 01:33 AM
I had one come thru a couple of years ago, but apparently he was "dropping in" for one cold one and then was gone. Whew.
Posted By: RC51 Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/23/12 03:31 PM
Originally Posted By: esshup
I'd go with the mono. Cecil has used it to deter Great Blue Herons from his ponds.

I am currently putting up a fence like Cecil suggested. I don't have it all up yet but I got about 40 feet of it up. It won't really help you from above though. If the bird is dive bombing your pond a fence like Cecil has is for the Heron that walks into your pond. Trying to string mono from the tree tops sounds interesting to say the least! Please take video and post I want to see this action!! smile

Good Luck!!
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/25/12 12:42 PM
I'm with Esshup. Shooting is not only a temporary solution, it would be a crime to shoot such a regal beautiful bird figuratively and literally that is only doing what it evolved to do.

Shooting one of these federally protected birds would be akin to shooting a bald eagle which carries a fine of at least 5 grand and possibly some jail or prison time.

Not sure if lines from tree to tree is necessary. How about just a few stakes in the ground and from stake to stake?

Come on people we are smarter than these animals; our brains are much bigger. We can come up with nonlethal solutions that are better than a quick fix temporary solution that kills the animal and can put us in some serious hot water.

I'm disappointed that people on this public forum would give advice such as SSS. It's doesn't make us look very good as wise stewards of our natural resources. It makes us look downright selfish.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/25/12 01:34 PM
Cecil, I have never found that I am as smart as any wildlife. They know a lot more about their world than I can ever guess.
Posted By: Rainman Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/25/12 02:55 PM
Osprey eat few fish. I had the pleasure of watching an Osprey stalk and dive for a 2-3 pound Golden Trout on the Herman Family's Lake Norris. It was a serene, surreal, experience...I would stock to feed the bird if I had one. It was truly an awe inspiring sight to watch!
Posted By: adirondack pond Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/25/12 03:01 PM
Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1
We can come up with nonlethal solutions that are better than a quick fix temporary solution that kills the animal and can put us in some serious hot water.

I have the electric fence cause it works 24-7, not because I'm afraid of hurting those cute, lovable, cuddly, endangered Otters. laugh smirk

I don't think Osprey would pose much of a danger to a pond provided there wasn't a flock of them, or is that a gaggle. grin
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/25/12 04:07 PM
Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
Cecil, I have never found that I am as smart as any wildlife. They know a lot more about their world than I can ever guess.

Dave I was hoping you didn't take they personally because it wasn't meant that way. I do KNOW you are smarter though. We know what they do and why they do it don't we? It's not that esoteric is it? That's enough to beat them at their game isn't it? grin
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/25/12 04:09 PM
Originally Posted By: adirondack pond

I have the electric fence cause it works 24-7, not because I'm afraid of hurting those cute, lovable, cuddly, endangered Otters. laugh smirk

Are they are an endangered list anywhere? I know they were scare and were reintroduced, but even here in Indiana where they were reintroduced recently they have become quite common, and even a recreational pond owner can get a permit to remove them lethally or non-lethally.
Posted By: adirondack pond Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/25/12 05:49 PM
Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1

Are they are an endangered list anywhere? I know they were scare and were reintroduced, but even here in Indiana where they were reintroduced recently they have become quite common

Just Kidding. grin
Posted By: Zep Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/26/12 11:13 AM
anyone have experience using one of these to scare off birds?

Gator Guard, Floating Gator Head

This life-size replica of an alligator head is what
every pond owner needs to keep geese, ducks and
fish-eating birds away
. The rubber gator head
is wrapped around a floating frame that stays completely
on top of the water. Its mirror-backed eyes flash in the sun.
Can be free-floating or tethered. 25" long.

Gator Guard, Floating Gator Head
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/26/12 12:24 PM
Heck no, nothing at all taken personally Cecil. But, really I've hunted and fished an awful lot of different landscapes that were loaded with game and/or fish with no positive results.

When I step into another creatures environment, I have to figure that they know a lot more about my whereabouts than I do of theirs. Mama Nature has equipped them with senses that my ancestors haven't had for an awful lot of years. If it weren't that way, it would be catching and shooting instead of fishing and hunting.

Just think about how many big fish see my lure on any given fishing trip. And I don't think it is usually the wrong lure. It's just that the fish are conditioned to my foot steps on the side of the pond or see the boat or line or... But sometimes they make a mistake.

Passenger pigeons evidently didn't get the message. Or maybe it wasn't me hunting them.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/27/12 08:24 PM
Originally Posted By: Zep
anyone have experience using one of these to scare off birds?

Gator Guard, Floating Gator Head

This life-size replica of an alligator head is what
every pond owner needs to keep geese, ducks and
fish-eating birds away
. The rubber gator head
is wrapped around a floating frame that stays completely
on top of the water. Its mirror-backed eyes flash in the sun.
Can be free-floating or tethered. 25" long.

Gator Guard, Floating Gator Head

I'm skeptical it would work well even if it works at first. I've seen birds get used to things similar to this.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/27/12 08:29 PM
Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
Heck no, nothing at all taken personally Cecil. But, really I've hunted and fished an awful lot of different landscapes that were loaded with game and/or fish with no positive results.

When I step into another creatures environment, I have to figure that they know a lot more about my whereabouts than I do of theirs. Mama Nature has equipped them with senses that my ancestors haven't had for an awful lot of years. If it weren't that way, it would be catching and shooting instead of fishing and hunting.

Just think about how many big fish see my lure on any given fishing trip. And I don't think it is usually the wrong lure. It's just that the fish are conditioned to my foot steps on the side of the pond or see the boat or line or... But sometimes they make a mistake.

Passenger pigeons evidently didn't get the message. Or maybe it wasn't me hunting them.

I guess my point is I'm not sure we should be advocating shooting federally protected birds on a public forum especially by a moderator. grin

And to be honest with you there was a time when I thought shooting was the most effective response, and even bought federal permits to do so for my small scale farm. However I firmly believe there are nonlethal ways to take care of problem animals that work 24/7 even when you are not around.

Back when I shot herons I found out they were soon replaced by other birds and some just came in nocturnally, so shooting was not as effective as I thought. And I can think of better things to do with $100.00 for the permit fee than handing it over to the government. I've flushed more than one heron from my ponds on a moonlit night.
Posted By: Zep Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/27/12 09:06 PM
Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1
I'm skeptical it would work well even if it works at first. I've seen birds get used to things similar to this.

I agree Cecil...of course for $50 it might be worth a try.
BTW...found them offered at several places for different prices.

Also found this video about them:

And found this full size decoy:
Full Size Gator Decoy

The gator decoys would almost be worth it for the prank factor.
People would freak! Ha Ha!
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/27/12 09:51 PM
What about building an alligator armature over a remote control boat and moving it towards a bird? If you could open the mouth that would be even more fun to watch!
Posted By: Zep Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/27/12 10:15 PM
Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1
What about building an alligator armature over a remote control boat and moving it towards a bird? If you could open the mouth that would be even more fun to watch!

Ha Ha....I bet you are on to something!
The heck with the birds...with some folks I know,
I would have tears running down my cheeks as that
gator started heading towards them!

Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/28/12 01:30 AM
Cecil, PM sent
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/28/12 02:08 AM
I want to make an apology to Dave Davidson for the following quote I made. Saying he advocated shooting federally protected birds was stepping over the line. He never said such a thing.

It just dismays me to see these threads that seem to tacitly imply shooting federally protected animals as an alternative as long as one does not get caught.

I guess my point is I'm not sure we should be advocating shooting federally protected birds on a public forum especially by a moderator.

Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: OSPREY !!!!!!! - 03/28/12 09:43 AM
No problem Cecil
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