Pond Boss
Posted By: KapHn8d How Largemouth Bass Suck In Their Prey - 12/26/17 09:28 PM
How Largemouth Bass Suck in Their Prey

I thought there was some neat video in this article that others might enjoy as well.

Posted By: Shorty Re: How Largemouth Bass Suck In Their Prey - 12/26/17 09:42 PM
Cool video, based on my aquarium observations RES suck in small fish and prey in pretty much the same way that LMB do. I have watched RES suck in FHMs from several inches away.
RSI = Ram Suction Index

LMB score high

BG and RES score low

Green Sunfish Scores Intermediate
Posted By: FireIsHot Re: How Largemouth Bass Suck In Their Prey - 12/26/17 10:36 PM
That is a cool video. I've hand fed hundreds, if not thousands, of BG to LMB over the last few years, and I'm always amazed at how they size up and then swallow their prey. I've never seen LMB eat BG of any size that wasn't swallowed head first, but I have seen a few swim off with larger crippled BG crossways in their mouth, and then spit out the BG to get that head shot.

It's always interesting to watch predators attack their prey.
Sweet! I'll probably start seeing 4 bar linkages everywhere now
Posted By: snrub Re: How Largemouth Bass Suck In Their Prey - 12/27/17 12:11 PM
Very interesting!
Posted By: Flame Re: How Largemouth Bass Suck In Their Prey - 12/27/17 02:20 PM
I think I remember reading somewhere a lmb of around 6 pounds will suck a gallon of water through its gills when sucking in a prey fish!! Also have seen them "turn around" a crawfish to eat it tail first and to avoid the pinchers getting in the way.
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