Pond Boss
Posted By: oldcane What do you use for dye? - 02/16/09 05:15 PM
Do you guys make your own dye or buy it somewhere, like maybe coop? Is there anyting special I need to do other than dump some in where I think I have a leak? I should probably find a better way to ask that. I know I have a leak. I think I know where it is but I'd like to make sure before I spread bentonite.

Any tips appreciated.
Posted By: Chad Fikes Re: What do you use for dye? - 02/18/09 05:18 AM
My brother has a pond at his work that he tried this and it worked pretty well. I will get him to post about his experience. That being said there isn't much about the dye itself that needs to be taken into consideration. Just make sure that it is highly visible. We use a pond dye for well dying ponds. This is what I told by brother to use.

One thing to consider though is unless your leak is flowing rapidly it may be hard to determine exact sight of leakage. If possible look behind, If on a dam look on backside for wet spots. That will help narrow down your search area.
Posted By: oldcane Re: What do you use for dye? - 02/18/09 03:40 PM
Well, I know where it comes out. It comes out to the extent I thought I had a wet weather spring on the back side. There is a dip/hole on the inside of the pond just opposite the spot and I think the dozer guy craked the slab or opened a hole at least.
Posted By: Chuck Fikes Re: What do you use for dye? - 02/18/09 08:20 PM
This is what I did to find our leak at work. I found where I thought the pond leaked and poured a very small amount of dye in the water. Then watched the dye come out the other side. Our leak is on the side of a concrete spillway that was installed with the pond it leaks directly under the spillway and comes out the other side of the concrete.

We still have not fixed ours so let me know how your repair goes.
Posted By: oldcane Re: What do you use for dye? - 02/18/09 09:38 PM
Guys, please, come on. Even my wife thinks I'm smart enough to know HOW to do it. I've been asking WHAT to use to do it. Is there any DIY stuff?
Posted By: Ryan Freeze Re: What do you use for dye? - 02/18/09 09:55 PM
Do you mean something like this?
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: What do you use for dye? - 02/18/09 10:21 PM
oldcane. are you tyring to see if the leak is happenieng in your pond? The dye will indicate where it is coming out on the backside. if so dye mentieond will work. Ryan that is just another form of lake dye. If you are trying to find the leak on the inside only way I know to do this by lowering the pond to that level.
Posted By: oldcane Re: What do you use for dye? - 02/18/09 10:30 PM
I guess I'm not explaining myself. I thought this was a pretty generic question; what do you use for dye?

Ok, apparently not. So asked if there are any DIY dyes people use.

The situation is that I have a leak. I see it bubbling out and running around the far side of the berm and into the creek. I need to find the hole INSIDE the pond. When the level lowers the leak stops so I don't see how that helps me. That's a lot of shoreline to look at and how would I know that's where the leak comes from?

So what I'm looking for is a DIY dye that I can drop into the water where I think the hole is INSIDE the pond and watch to see if I was right. It seems to me that if I dye ALL the water (say yellow), and the water outside the pond turns yellow all I have done is waste an afternoon. I KNOW ITS LEAKING. I need something that I can use in a specific area and watch to see if it comes out of the leak on the outside of the pond. Is this not how it's done? This seems pretty intuitive to me. I just want to know what to use and I would think it needs to be heavier than water. The pond dyes I have asked about will color a large area. That doesn't seem to be what I need. If you think I'm crazy just let me know. You won't be the first.

People keep saying they use dye. I'm just asking what they are using.
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: What do you use for dye? - 02/18/09 10:46 PM
I see what you are asking and I do not know of a product that will do that. Maybe others do. Most people use dye to determine if water from behind the dam, etc is leaking from the pond. if dye is applied it will answer that question. yes in your case that would be a waste i agree.
Posted By: oldcane Re: What do you use for dye? - 02/18/09 10:50 PM
Well, all I can figure out on my own is maybe bright food coloring mixed into condensed milk. I'll let you know. Thanks all.
Posted By: Chuck Fikes Re: What do you use for dye? - 02/19/09 02:16 AM
Our leak has enough draw to pull the normal pond dye (aqua shade) faster than distributing into the pond. So I took the dye and poured a very small amount into the area where I know the leak is and you can watch it get pulled into the leak and out the other side. You should be able to get a pond dye at a local feed store or farm and ranch supply.
Posted By: Chad Fikes Re: What do you use for dye? - 02/19/09 03:30 AM
I now understand, but using pond dye, in a very small dosage located at where you are pretty sure the leak is should produce results you desire. My brother used regular pond dye in that area where he thought it was leaking to produce similar results. I would stick with pond dye for three reasons. First it is designed for ponds. Second, when applying it to a specific area it will allow you to see where water movement is occurring. A quart of pond dye should cost around $20.00 if you start getting into making your own you may not be able to mix something that cheap. I think it would take a lot of food grade dye for you to recieve desired results.
Posted By: Bob Lusk Re: What do you use for dye? - 02/19/09 11:38 AM
Buy Aquashade. It's inexpensive. Get it at Tractor Supply. Don't mess with concoctions.
Posted By: oldcane Re: What do you use for dye? - 02/19/09 04:09 PM
They only have it by the gallon. $50 when I only need a pint or so sounds kind of expensive to me but I'll give it a try.
Posted By: Ryan Freeze Re: What do you use for dye? - 02/19/09 10:59 PM
I just thought a dry dye pack might get it in one spot or a certain depth easier.
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: What do you use for dye? - 02/20/09 03:34 PM
We use both and they both spread out quite quickly with a litle breeze. I think it would take a pretty strong leak and good clear water to see it happening. Good luck!
Posted By: RileyS Re: What do you use for dye? - 03/26/09 07:33 PM
I would not make my own dye. There are two different types of dye at the SePRO Corporation. One is black and the other is blue. They cost anywhere from 13-17 dollars. So its relatively cheap. I have used it for a couple of years and I have no complaints

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